Sunday, August 10, 2008


To my fellow UMSians,

Call this a tribute to, just a few short opinions on things around campus.

1. Games in Kg.E CC.
I myself am an avid fan of video games but for some reason to use the Cyber Cafe at Kg.E itself for gaming purposes seems to smack of commercialism and simple bad taste. Now no offense to the gamers but I feel the CC should stick to its original purpose of being a place to gather information and study (especially in the University). A better place to play would be your room and there is not a lack of CC's you can use at Kingfisher to get the gaming jones out of your system.

2. BTN cleaning at the cafes.
A picture at the Biro Tatanegara cafeteria at Kundasang shows the Prime Minister himself cleaning up after eating. Every night when I walk past the cafe's you can usually see food leftovers by students. Its not just looks filthy but guess who comes out at night? Dogs thats who! Disgusting everytime I think about it. Perhaps it is time for us students to let go of our over dependence on others cleaning up after us. It is for our own good. I suggest for all cafe's after this to put in place a system where students can clean up after themselves. Spoons, forks, plates, put em' in their place after we are finished? The cafe's can use less people and maybe we can ask them to lower the food price even more. And maybe we can finally solve the dog problem too.

3. Styrofoam(tapau)
You guys know right that the stuff is carcinogenic? Basically it can give you guys cancer. Granted not right away but why take risks? Plus its bad for the environment. Now I know using the plastic ones is an extra payment of 50 cents but think of the money (and environmental) damage you can save by using it again and again. So far every cafe at the hostels are adhering to the University's directive except Kg.AB and Kg.IP(we're gunning for you guys!). Here's a challenge for students. The MPP is pretty swamped with a lot of issues perhaps we have some Green Warriors over there who wants to step up and fight for environmental issues. Interested individuals can contact us we'll provide support.

Its just some thing we are considering to change. Any feedback from you guys would be appreciated.

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah


entre_mppums said...

hey bro, these students are kind of stubborn..wat to do?they still wan to use the polystrene also i speechless liao..if one day they get kanser then don blame us...wahaha..we alre told them earlier..mayb u should post some kanser photo to scared them..

Kami Hanya Buat Untuk Pelajar said...

Bro please la bro. Stop doing things that the student think it is not worth it. If the student wanna play video games in the CC then let them be. If u stop them there then they will always play it in their rooms. Wut r u guys thinkin'. Weird la bro. U better go to the cafe and see how many student just eat rice with goreng pisang as their side dish. No fish, no meat, no chicken, no veggies. Think bout it la.

P/S:-It is not likely that the cafe ceiling price is helping student. That is not what we want. What we want is a low price for every food in every cafetaria.

Anonymous said...

kami dah bosan dengan semua ni...

Anonymous said...

Fuck-off aspirasi bastards....kebanyakan yg menang kerana politik kotor...tiada wonder our country di bawah pimpinan Bodohwi dan Najis serta UMNO bitch will neva compete in international stage....corruption evrywhere...ask yourselves new MPP's.....wats the point to win inn an dirty politic in an universiti which neva was top 200 or maybe not in top 500 universiti in the world...shame u fuckers n bitch...UMNO suck, BN fuck plus the past MPP's in the form of Hasanal puki n Mursidi racist.....go to hell n meet the nazi's...

Anonymous said...

i agree that the dogs' problem should be solved as soon as possible.NOT only dogs but the CATS' problem also.Cafe is the place for human to eat not animals!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of cleaner at cafe there but cafe is still dirty...the table is so oily....disgusting~

Anonymous said...

we all don't hav feeling to the cafe's cats already.complain also no

Anonymous said...

kami sudah biasa dengan kafe punya masalah la..

Anonymous said...

i tink the cafe quite clean ar..LOL:)

Anonymous said...

agree.nowadays the cafe's hygiene can be consider ok ady if compare to last time...

Anonymous said...

take away all the dogs and cats la, they are scary..if there are visitors coming then how they all will fell.
how is their impression towards ums.