Sunday, August 10, 2008


To my fellow UMSians,

Call this a tribute to, just a few short opinions on things around campus.

1. Games in Kg.E CC.
I myself am an avid fan of video games but for some reason to use the Cyber Cafe at Kg.E itself for gaming purposes seems to smack of commercialism and simple bad taste. Now no offense to the gamers but I feel the CC should stick to its original purpose of being a place to gather information and study (especially in the University). A better place to play would be your room and there is not a lack of CC's you can use at Kingfisher to get the gaming jones out of your system.

2. BTN cleaning at the cafes.
A picture at the Biro Tatanegara cafeteria at Kundasang shows the Prime Minister himself cleaning up after eating. Every night when I walk past the cafe's you can usually see food leftovers by students. Its not just looks filthy but guess who comes out at night? Dogs thats who! Disgusting everytime I think about it. Perhaps it is time for us students to let go of our over dependence on others cleaning up after us. It is for our own good. I suggest for all cafe's after this to put in place a system where students can clean up after themselves. Spoons, forks, plates, put em' in their place after we are finished? The cafe's can use less people and maybe we can ask them to lower the food price even more. And maybe we can finally solve the dog problem too.

3. Styrofoam(tapau)
You guys know right that the stuff is carcinogenic? Basically it can give you guys cancer. Granted not right away but why take risks? Plus its bad for the environment. Now I know using the plastic ones is an extra payment of 50 cents but think of the money (and environmental) damage you can save by using it again and again. So far every cafe at the hostels are adhering to the University's directive except Kg.AB and Kg.IP(we're gunning for you guys!). Here's a challenge for students. The MPP is pretty swamped with a lot of issues perhaps we have some Green Warriors over there who wants to step up and fight for environmental issues. Interested individuals can contact us we'll provide support.

Its just some thing we are considering to change. Any feedback from you guys would be appreciated.

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hedonisme: The Leaves from The Trees

To all UMSians,

This past week, amid the problems concerning the bus services, cafe prices, PTPTN, dogs and a myriad other issues we come also to another issues which have raised many opinions and controversies.

The issue that I mean here is regarding entertainment in te Univesity. More specifically the so-called "hedonisme" type entertainment we hear so much about.

Which begs the question, what is hedonisme? Simply put it is uncontrolled entertainment.

If you watched or read the history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, you might hear the suggestion that hedonisme was one of the factors leading to its downfall. Granted I am making an assumption based on my own opinions, it is still debatable, but let us give it more thought.


Remember the images of the Colloseum, gladiators fighting to the death, slaves fed to wild animals, deadly chariot races? Or images of the famous reclining rich man and politicians being fed grapes by beautiful women slaves? The masses(the people) where fed massive doses of entertainment to make them forget all the problems plaguing them. Politically speaking the Roman leaders were using it to pacify the people to make them forget the weaknesses in their own administrations. Giving sweets to the hungry so to speak. Not very nutritious but it sure taste good. In short decadance.

Why is it so dangerous? Why do we need to ensure decadence due to hedonisme never happens in our country?

Friends, we are fighting COMPLACENCY(kelalaian). Everything must come in balanced doses. Entertainment is not wrong, but if done uncontrollably, as in everything, it invites problems. Who wants the images of alcohol bottles all over the campus after a Tamu Gadanag concert? Big entertainment is not cheap and in the long run too much of it would constitute a wastage. Social problems? Again a concern although granted it is unfair to heap all the blame on entertainment, as it involves other factors as well.

In short entertainment has to be controlled so as to give benefits to us as students. Entertainment has always been given the short end of the stick, constantly stigmatized, fairly or unfairly. But where there is smoke there is fire. Nothing happens out of nothing. Just like watching TV, arranged in a manner acceptable, is good for everyone. Too much of it gives rise to the "couch potato" syndrome, bringin up images of the obese person sitting on his/her couch, munching on snacks, introverted, isolated, static.

It is an issue that cannot be swept under the carpet. Affirmative action has to be taken, for the welfare of the students and to give entertainment a positive connotation in the future. Let us have guideline acceptable to all, taking in all perpectives be they religious, academic or of the arts.

Here are some things that we are trying to do:-

1. Let all groups in UMS, the student leaders(that would be us), administration of HEP, the School of Arts sit down together, all agree to define what is hedonisme and what is acceptable entertainment. Let there be no misunderstandings after this. Most problems arise because of lack of communication and understanding.

2. Make all program not entirely entertainment per se, but also have academic and intelectual values. Again specific defintions and guidelines will have to constructed for what is academic or intelectual programs.

3. Te guidelines given to all students especially student leaders.

4. More forums and discussions about this issue from all sides.

In all things let us be tolerant of one another, always open to discussion, trying to find the best for us all.

Let us never forget it is never an issue concerning race or religion. It is simply an issue of what is best for the student. Is entertainment 'Haram'? Surely not as long as the proper guidelines are met. The real issue is what is the effect? The University is a place of study, that is always the priority, and there is always a time and place for everything.

Never forget the leaves from the trees. Never focus too much on the small issues that we fail to grasp the big picture. It is never just an issue of religion, it is an issue of the welfare of the students and the long term culture of the University.

All ideas and opinions are welcome.

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pagar IP

Salam Warga UMS,

Isu pagar "interblock" yang telah didirikan di IP mengundang seribu macam masalah apabila pihak mahasiswa/i dan JAKMAS tidak dibawa berbincang dahulu untuk mendapat maklumbalas.

Siasatan mendapati ianya arahan daripada penetua sebelum ini En.Bonaventure dan telah dilaksanakan oleh JPP. Walaubagaimanapun perbincangan dengan JPP(En.Farid) setakat ini positif dimana pengubahsuaian akan dilakukan iaitu satu laluan(pintu) akan dibina supaya pelajar dapat melalui pagar tersebut.

Perbincangan masih lagi dilakukan dan kita mengharapkan pihak Universiti dan mahasiswa(terutamanya di IP) akan dapat bekerjasama. Terima kasih kepada pihak JAKMAS IP dan juga saudara Jian Ming(wakil MPP) dalam perkara ini.

Kepada rakan-rakan diminta untuk bersabar dan perkembangan terbaru akan kami sebarkan "as soon as we get the news".

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah

Monday, July 28, 2008

Isu Pembaikan Pagar UMS dan Kenaikan Bus ABCD

Salam warga UMS,

Semasa mesyuarat MPPUMS yang lalu pada Khamis, 24/8/2008, MPPUMS telah membincangkan beberapa perkara dan telah memutuskan untuk mengambil tindakan tentang 2 isu. Selama ini MPPUMS telah cuba untuk menggesa pihak pentadbiran menggunakan cara mesyuarat tetapi satu keputusan muktamad belum lagi tercapai dan kami merasakan tidak boleh lagi ditunda lagi. Satu gerakan yang lebih tegas perlu dilaksanakan oleh golongan mahasiswa UMS untuk mencapai objektif dan memenuhi hak kita untuk merasa lebih selamat dan selesa semasa menjalani proses pembelajaran di Universiti tercinta ini.

1. Pembaikan Pagar UMS

Daripada laporan pengawal sendiri menyatakan bahawa terdapat 5 LUBANG di sekitar pagar UMS. Dalam perbincangan bersama pihak POLIS DiRaja Malaysia sendiri, berkenaan tugas mereka untuk menjaga keselamatan, lubang-lubang ini perlu dipenuhi agar proses menjaga keselamatan lebih efektif. Setakat ini UMS hanya meletakkan pagar berduri untuk menutup lubang tersebut, tetapi ianya ternyata tidak cukup apabila kerap kali pendatang luar dapat memasuki ruang universiti secara bebas. Kita perlu bertegas meminta pihak pentadbiran memandang serius perkara ini dan membaiki pagar-pagar tersebut dengan kadar segera.

2. Satu memorandum sedang dikumpulkan dikalangan pemimpin pelajar MPP,JAKMAS dan PM sekolah yang akan diberikan kepada NC sendiri untuk perkara ini dilaksanakan secepat mungkin. Tindakan selanjutnya PMUMS akan berdasarkan respon daripada NC sendiri dalam hal ini.

2. Isu Kenaikan Bas ABCD

PMUMS akur isu ini memang sudah lama diperjuangkan, malah daripada sesi MPP 2006/2007 lagi dan pelbagai pendekatan telah dilaksanakan. Apa yang jelas adalah pihak pentadbiran sendiri belum lagi dapat memberi kata putus dan alasan konkrit mengapa ianya tidak dapat dilaksanakan. PMUMS merasakan dengan adanya NC kita yang baru, isu ini dapat dipertimbangkan semula untuk keselesaan pelajar ABCD.

2. Pihak PMUMS telah meminta untuk satu perbincangan khas dilaksanakan dengan pentadbiran untuk membincangkan dengan teliti isu ini untuk mencari keputusan yang muktamad. Tindakan selanjut PMUMS sekali lagi akan berdasarkan respon daripada pentadbiran.

Kepada rakan-rakan mahasiswa yang lain segala perkembangan akan ditunjukkan dalam blog-blog MPP dan respon, sokongan serta kerjasama rakan-rakan adalah amat di alu-alukan dalam perjuangan dua isu ini.

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

An Open Mind

A Tao proverb prescribed these for those striving to have an open mind:

"Learn Everything, Attached to Nothing"

An interesting idea to ponder.

In our daily lives we strive to have an open mind. This is a prerequisite not just for a select few but in actuality it is a must for everyone to have if we are to achieve Vision 2020 oft-heralded by our leaders. It is needed to achieve unity and peace.

What is an open mind then? Is having an open mind means have to be liberal? Is it in the way we dress? Is it in the way we speak?

The connotation of the phrase itself "open mind", points to a state consciousness or a way of thinking. In affect its an internal state of being, misleading if we try to pinpoint it through outside appearances alone. I believe a good definition would be "the ability to learn and accept new ideas and to act upon it". I accept, this is merely a personal opinion and I do not claim to have intelligence above and beyond the norm, but think many of you might agree with me. If not then please read on, perhaps there might yet be something to learn.

If we accept the definition then a person who strives to have an open mind must then have these elements in himself:-

1. Humbleness. A person must be able to accept his weaknesses for the learning process to begin. To learn something we must accept that perhaps there are deficiencies in our knowledge and way of thinking. Perhaps we are wrong as well but are we humble enough to accept our mistake(s)?

2. Courage. A question for you readers. Would you have the courage to question the possibility that perhaps what you have held as the truth is perhaps wrong? Never fall into the trap of becoming the ostrich which buries its head in the sand, to avoid seeing the lion. Ignorance is never a good substitute for truth and in truth it is a dangerous state to live in.

3. Optimism. Optimism to look at an idea without criticism. To think well of the messenger as well as the message.

4. Faith. To believe that truth is substantial, and that in searching for it, good things will come eventually no matter how much it hurts in the short term.

Having an open mind means seeking the truth. Remember it is not something external but internal. You could never judge a persons openness merely from outside appearances alone.

An open mind rejects stereotypes. A label you put on a person is always unfair. Look at a person as a PERSON. Not as a Chinese. Not as a Malay or Indian. Not what he wears or come from. Judge him by his merits, from his actions. To know something requires time and effort, never show our own laziness by coming to conclusions based on petty labels and stereotypes.

An open mind strives for improvement and new things. Never be satisfied of the status quo, because what is beneficial does not mean it can be used now or in the future. Improvements needs new ideas and new ways.

An open mind always strive to create a better and happier place. To me this is the ultimate aim for the one with the open mind. To learn and acquire as much knowledge as is possible. All for the benefit of your fellow man and for the betterment of our world. This is when we "act upon it".

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Isu Pembayaran Yuran Untuk Pelajar Latihan Industri 6 Bulan

Salam Warga UMS,

Di sini saya ingin menerangkan berkenaan isu yang baru timbul iaitu berkenaan isu yang tertulis di atas. Disebabkan LI 6 bulan baru sahaja di implementasikan maka tidak hairanlah jika kekeliruan berlaku.

1.Untuk penambahan 3 bulan LI itu, yuran tambahan perlu dibayar. Informasi ini boleh dipastikan melalui SMP pelajar masing-masing.

2. Kepada mereka yang akan berkonvo pada bulan Ogos ini jangan risau, jika yuran tersebut untuk 3 bulan LI tersebut belum dibayar maka anda masih lagi layak konvo jika semua syarat lain dipenuhi.

Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Saudara Raja(EXCO Kebudayaan) atas siasatan yang beliau jalankan daripada Jabatan Bendahari UMS.

Walaubagaimanapun jika ada apa-apa masalah timbul berkaitan perkara ini, teruslah melapor kepada pihak PMUMS.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Anuar Zain??

Salam warga UMS,

Rakan-rakan mungkin telah mengetahui bahawa konsert Anuar Zain bakal dilaksanakan di UMS dalam masa yang terdekat ini di Dewan Canselor kita yang tercinta. Mungkin persoalan yang timbul di minda rakan-rakan sekarang adalah: Adakah wajar dilaksanakan program ini?

Terdapat satu spektrum pendapat, di satu hujung ada golongan berpendapat bahawa ianya merupakan satu bentuk hedonisme yang perlu dicegah di UMS ini, walhal di hujung yang satu lagi adalah golongan berpendapat apa salahnya, biarlah dia menyanyi.

Sebelum merungkai isu ini saya mengajak kepada saudara-saudari kepada apa yang berlaku di Tamu Gadang 2 tahun yang lalu di mana Amy Search di panggil untuk mengadakan persembahan. Apa yang berlaku cukup menyedihkan. Kita menolak ke tepi dahulu ketrampilan penonton yang datang (kadang-kadang luaran tidak mencerminkan dalaman betul tidak?), tapi lebih penting lagi apabila terdapatnya ramai penonton yang meminum arak, merokok dan berleluasanya lelaki wanita berpegang-pegang tanpa segan silu. Malah saya sendiri sempat melihat Datuk Noh(NC dulu) mencuba tanpa kejayaan untuk mengawal keadaan.

Kita risau perkara sebegitu berlaku lagi.

Maka 2 isu perlu kita fikirkan:-

1. Presentasi artis tersebut mestilah bersesuaian dengan nilai universiti.
2. Kita perlu mendapat jaminan detik hitam yang berlaku dahulu di kalangan penonton tidak berulang. Pendek kata dari segi pengawalan penonton.
3. Selain itu pula kita ingin bertanya sejauh manakah nilai penglibatan pelajar dan juga kemahasiswaan yang dapat diterap di dalam program tersebut.

PMUMS berpendapat bahawa bukannya salah untuk kita berhibur, tetapi biarlah ianya menepati nilai-nilai yang boleh membina mahasiswa/i dan juga akhlak dan keadaan terkawal.

Sekarang pihak PMUMS sudah berbincang dengan pihak penganjur berkenaan 3 isu ini dan mendapat jaminan serta penyelesaian daripada mereka. Hasilnya satu mesyuarat khas akan dilaksanakan di bilik MPP 11 AM di mana dijemput pegawai dari HEP dan juga Masjid UMS. Perjumpaan dengan NC Datuk Kamarruzaman juga tengah cuba dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan kerana daripada siasatan didapati arahan datang daripada pihak tertinggi sehinggakan pihak HEP pun tidak tahu apa yang berlaku.

Sebagai akhir kalam, saya ingin memberitahu kepada semua warga UMS supaya melihat perkara ini daripada sudut positif. Seperti juga dalam perhubungan, terdapat batas-batasnya yang perlu kita patuhi dan selahi batasnya di patuhi maka adalah hak individu untuk menentukan pilihan yang seterusnya. Jika batasnya di ikuti, silakan. Jika tidak maka adalah menjadi kewajipan untuk kita memastikan kemungkaran tidak berlaku.

Mahasiswa Peneraju Keunggulan Ummah.